Candidates: medical doctors, psychologists
Candidates who have decided to enter the training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy are required to pass three interviews with psychoanalytic psychotherapist and/or psychoanalyst qualified for the training by the National Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (HDPP). After having completed the assessment, the Training Commission notifies the candidate of the assessment results with the educator list in attachment, so that the candidate may choose the training psychotherapist and/or the psychoanalyst and begin the proper training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
Experiential part:
Takes place immediately from the beginning at a rate of 3 sessions per week. The minimum total number of hours is 480.
It is required to have two patients in supervision who are in therapy minimum 2x per week. The supervision of two supervisors is required. The supervision begins after one year of your own therapy. The work with the second supervisor may begin after at least one year supervision with the first supervisor.
Number of hours:
With the first supervisor the minimum is 120 hours, with the second the minimum is 100.
The rate is once a week over the period of five years.
The patient should have a continuity of care for a minimum of 2.5 years. One therapy should be brought to end under supervision.
Final essay
The second supervisor shall give information to the candidate about the final essay and what it should contain. The essay should include the following: patient’s motivation for entering therapy (personal history and history of current disturbances), assessment of capacity to build relationships, for differentiation and integration, first interview, presentation of the therapy process development and presentation of the end of therapy. The essay should have 20 pages maximum.
The theoretical part of education is carried out via seminars.
Simultaneously, there will be held the continuing case seminar, which is to say that the candidates’ understanding and following the course of the therapy process will be monitored during a dozen or so sessions. This part of the training begins in the second year of education.
Venues to acquire training
The training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy may be carried out entirely in Zagreb where are the headquarters of the National Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, whereas one’s own training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy may take place in other Croatian towns (Split i Rijeka, see the educator list).